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Hoopa Doopa Valley Children's book , watercolor illustrations

  All three of the Hoopa Doopa Valley books are now available at Amazon.com! My aunt and I worked together to create this wonderful trilogy ...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Beginner for IF

Constantly distracted by birds, I am thrilled to have a nest of babies over the patio. I happened to look out one day and see them picking just the right place to build, and watched as they added pieces to the nest. I tried not to disturb, but couldn't resist setting up the ladder for a pic of the eggs and later the babies. They were just little fuzz balls then, but I imagine now they're beginning to look more like birds.


pretty day said...

What a sweet picture! You are so lucky to have a bird nest by your house. We had one once and it was truly a *blessing* to watch them grow and change everyday. Enjoy it!

MrBibleHead said...

Beautiful work Sandra! Love the idea... and love,love the painting!

Mitch said...

The babies have flown the coop!